Walk It Out Inspirations
Walk It Out inspirations explores physical steps to achieve and overcome challenges or take action to move forward despite obstacles or setbacks with the goal of motivating, empowering, and inspiring listeners to take steps toward their personal growth and success through practical tips, strategies, time management, and other skills. Episodes feature interviews with individuals from a variety of backgrounds that share stories of triumph and truth that offer diverse ranges of perspectives and ideas.
Walk It Out Inspirations
Building the Foundation: Preparing for a Year of Manifestation and Spiritual Alignment
What if our approach to New Year's resolutions is all wrong? Join us as we explore the concept of building a strong foundation to prepare for a transformative 2025, a year of promise, manifestation, and release. Together, we unlock the secrets of turning faith into action by focusing on divine instructions. This episode delves into practical insights on how to approach New Year’s resolutions with a fresh perspective, emphasizing creation over repetition and focusing on God's instructions for the upcoming year. Drawing inspiration from biblical references, we discuss the necessity of aligning with God's will and the importance of patience and consistency. By examining stories such as Sarah and Hagar, as well as the perseverance of Noah and David, we highlight the significance of trusting God's perfect timing and plan, even when the path seems uncertain. Prepare for thought-provoking insights on balancing faith, patience, and action in our quest for true manifestations.
Embrace this opportunity to reflect on personal goals and align them with God’s instructions for a fulfilled year ahead.
God uses relationships to help move us farther into our destiny and to help us grow in. Christ. Healthy relationships are not family for things. A healthy relationship needs commitment and willingness to be accommodating to each other's needs. Marriage is more than a physical union. It is also a spiritual and emotional union. And emotional union, according to Ecclesiastes 4, verse 9, two are better than one. So therefore, what God has joined together, let no one separate, separate Kingdom marriage in its purpose, kingdom marriage in its purpose.
Speaker 3:Hello everybody.
Speaker 2:Hey y'all, hey, good afternoon, good afternoon Good afternoon.
Speaker 3:Everyone, we missed y'all. It's been a minute. It's been a minute, it has.
Speaker 2:It definitely has. Listen, we definitely have missed y'all. We want to welcome y'all. Listen, this is not new, this is not hey. We coming out with this is we're coming back. We are coming back. Listen, you know, we all go through things. We all have trials, tribulations, we have things that we have to take care of. But God is amazing the way that he takes care of things and the way that he does things and shifts. The way that he takes care of things and the way that he does things and shifts, and sometimes he will have us to take a step back for a moment and and be like Jeremiah a little bit, you know, tear down some things right you know, destroy some things Then to rebuild, make room for the new.
Speaker 2:That's right.
Speaker 3:Make room for the new Cause she's always speaking a new.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm excited in two days, babe.
Speaker 3:That's right make room for the new, because she's always speaking a new.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm excited in two days, babe, that's right.
Speaker 3:It seems like yesterday it does. It's still fresh.
Speaker 2:Seven years, it went by super quick right, I know super listen, it's a miracle but it's been, it's been good, it's been good, it's been good.
Speaker 3:Y'all it's been good it's been a great. It's been great, it's been a great seven plus years, because, you know, seven years married.
Speaker 3:But I've known this woman, this beautiful woman, for an amazing 10 years yeah, 10 years so, yeah, it's uh looking forward to it too, looking forward to spending some time, you know, being parents and, uh, um, managing the household and everything else with the kids and their extracurriculars is. It takes a toll on any parent, but I'm looking forward to this holiday. Even though the kids be home more, we'll have more control. Yes, definitely, definitely.
Speaker 2:Well, we definitely want to welcome each and every one of you, as you guys are coming in. Good morning, sadie, welcome, welcome.
Speaker 1:Thank you for joining us, good morning.
Speaker 2:Good morning. Good morning, we thank you so much for joining us. So, listen, y'all go ahead, tell everybody the Purpose Couple is back, live, we are back and we are ecstatic for being back. So y'all go ahead, share this podcast out to those those that are listening Facebook live, those that are watching Facebook live and watching YouTube live we welcome you as well and also those that are even watching or listening actually, they can't watch. Watch listening on iHeartRadio, um, apple Podcasts and those platforms we definitely and Spotify as well. We want to welcome each and every one of you guys. So, uh, we definitely welcome you guys in hello Grace morning, vanessa Grace morning, grace morning.
Speaker 2:So let's, let's uh dive right in on here, but before I dive in, you already know what we got to do before diving in. Really, babe, okay, all right. Well, y'all know that I do nothing, we do nothing without the Holy Spirit, so we're just going to say a short prayer. Heavenly Father, we thank you. We thank you for allowing us the opportunity to come back. Come back stronger than we were before. We thank you that you have your way as we release what you have given us, the revelatory moments and revelatory word that you have given us to give your people. Father, we praise, bless and magnify you. Holy Spirit, come in, have your way, as we decrease, that you might increase. Let them see all of you, father, and none of us. Let them hear your voice and not our own, father. We thank you and it's in Jesus' name, amen and amen Amen.
Speaker 2:So we're at the end of the year.
Speaker 3:Yes, and we are in preparation For next year.
Speaker 2:And definitely.
Speaker 3:And in expectation for the blessed things and manifestations that are going to occur in 2025.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, definitely. The Lord had already spoken and said that 2025 is the year of manifestation, it's the year of promise. It's the year of manifestation, it's the year of promise, it's the year of release. So, indeed, listen, we in the last quarter of 2024, y'all, in everything God said, he said, in everything that we do in this last quarter is preparation for the new year, is preparation for 2025. And I'm super ecstatic. Y'all know, listen, we sit there every New Year's. We'll sit up there and say, oh well, let me do my New Year's resolution list. Now, how many of y'all can be honest and say every new resolution list that you've created you have yet to accomplish or consistently do?
Speaker 2:what you have placed Right Not you earlier than June, I wouldn't even say June, three months. That list is gone on to the next thing Yep, one of the things that he may mention about resolution. He was like it's a repeat of a solution. And when he said that, because you have re, re, when you break that word up, you have re. Anytime you have re before a word. It's a do over, it's a repeat of something right and then solution. What is the solution? It is the answer to a problem.
Speaker 2:So really, if you think about it, the reason our resolutions aren't successful is because we created these resolutions based on the problems we had in that old year, and God said that you can't mix old with new, right, and you can't carry over your old into the new, because it's not going to work. So we make these attempts and create these resolution lists to go into the new year of this is what I'm going to do. I'm going to do this and I'm going to do that. But the question is, is this based on what's to come or is it based on where you are within the former year before you go into the new year? My goodness, so today, that's right. Hey, mama Marie, yes, that is right. Everything new, everything new, everything new. So that brings us to every year.
Speaker 2:God gives instructions or at least I'm going to speak for myself, right, god gives. Well, ourselves, yeah, both of us. Yeah, he gives us. I'm sure you too. He gives us instructions to prepare for the new year. Last year's instructions, y'all know.
Speaker 2:Last, god said that 2024 was the year of building. It was the year to build your credit, year to build your business, year to build your ministry, year to build your relationship with him, year to build healthy relationships, and the list goes on and on. The key factor was building. What did God have you building in 2024? Whether it was one thing or multiple things? Within that building, god had given three instructions. The first instruction was staying focused. The second instruction was remaining obedient. And then the third instruction, he said, was withdraw from the kingdom bank. So he was basically saying I'm giving you the things that you need to build what I told you to build within 2024, which is preparation for 2025, because you need to oh Jesus, he's just given this to me you need to build something in order to have a storage place, a place to store what's coming to you in 2025.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and 2024, I guess is what Foundationary.
Speaker 2:Yes, it is 2025. It is 2024 is foundationary for 2025. So, with that being said, we're going to go into the instructions saying bye-bye to 2024 into hello 2025. And those in the first instruction funny, he kept stay focused.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:He kept it Stay focused. Yeah, and focus has to be Babe. Why do you think he repeated that again?
Speaker 3:Because you need to stay focused. And I say again stay focused.
Speaker 2:So you mean to tell me that I got to? What happens if I don't stay focused?
Speaker 3:Well, you tell me what happens when things are out of focus.
Speaker 2:For me. They're chaotic and all over the place and nothing gets done. That's right. And you got 50 million things. That's.
Speaker 3:And if you're moving forward and things are out of focus, you may have an accident, right?
Speaker 2:Listen, we're talking driving language now, right, you get the swerving and you in lanes, you don't have no business and, yeah, that's prone for an accident. Blessings Prophet Eskisha. Blessings to you. Blessings to you as well. Yeah, that's definitely prone for an accident. So, with that being said, the thing about focus and I'm getting ahead of myself and I'm going to go a step back because, as stated, 2025 is the year of manifestation and manifestation, year of promise. It is also the year of release. To manifest that focus is very important because manifestation this last quarter, what he's setting us up for is we're putting, we're putting forth the action to the manifestation. Right, so we have to put forth the work. Y'all, if y'all hear buses and everything, y'all know children got out of school early, y'all if y'all hear, buses and everything.
Speaker 2:Y'all know, children got out of school early, so, excuse, the bus noises because our children are being dropped off, because today was a half a day and they'll be on winter break until the new year, so we're excited for that. So, with that being said, without focus, one cannot put forth action to manifestation.
Speaker 3:Right.
Speaker 2:So there's a scripture that says faith without works is dead. I want to talk about that scripture a little bit, okay, because it's used very well. A lot of people use it. Faith without works is dead. Faith without works is dead. Faith without works is dead. But do we fully, truly understand what we are saying when we say faith without works is dead?
Speaker 3:You got to be careful with that.
Speaker 2:Why you?
Speaker 3:got to be careful with that, because if you don't want to operate outside of God's finished work, if there is a finished work, there's not a lot for you to do. I mean, it's within the work that you do. Have faith that it's finished, have faith that God has finished it.
Speaker 2:Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Say that one more time. You said what?
Speaker 3:That you do have faith that it's finished, that it's a finished work.
Speaker 2:have faith that it's finished, that it's a finished work. So what you're telling me is the work that I do that aligns with my faith is not the work of my own.
Speaker 3:No, it's God's faith. There's only one faith. Now it's scriptural. I wish I had the scriptures, but it's scriptural. There's really only one faith and that's Jesus' faith of God's faith, and we operate within that faith.
Speaker 2:Well, I mean, I believe that because he said without faith it's impossible to please him, correct? So apparently there's only one evident faith, and that's the faith that that pleases him. Welcome, cassandra, welcome. So that means that in order for me to walk out that scripture, faith without works is dead. So in order for me to put forth the work that involves me consulting god first, yes. So then that ties into matthew seek ye first the kingdom, yeah, and all will be added right, because it's all within his will that we you know, that we move, that we're supposed to be moving.
Speaker 2:He's saying him. We live, move and have our being right. So y'all, listen, those that are joining in. I want to welcome y'all. This is walk it out inspirations. We are the purpose couple.
Speaker 2:Right now, we are dissecting and we are releasing the, the divine instructions god has released to prepare his people for 2025. So right now, we were kind of diving into some of the instructions. We went into a little bit about focus and we're talking about manifestation right now, because one of the things that God released and revealed to us was the fact that we had to put the manifestation into works. What does that mean? That means we had to put forth some work, some actions, putting forth the action in order for the revelation, in order for the manifestation to come forth.
Speaker 2:It's not one of those things that I was speaking to my sister last night and we were kind of talking a little bit about this and we related it to riding an airplane, that moment of acceleration, and one of the things that the Lord said in the conversation was we have two types of people on the plane.
Speaker 2:You have your flight attendants. Those are the ones that are doing the serving, the working and things of that nature while the flight is in motion, while acceleration is going on. Then you have your passengers. Those are the ones that are seated enjoying the view if they have a window seat and enjoying the beautiful sky and things of that nature, right? So you have those two different type of people on this flight. Now the thing about it is, with this manifestation, right, one of the things the Lord said was in putting forth the work of actions. It's not you being the passenger only and just sitting there and waiting for everything to come to you and fall in your lap. You also have to take part in being that flight attendant and serve as well. That's where the works comes into play.
Speaker 3:Yeah, well, yeah, because I look at it as giving God something to work with.
Speaker 2:Right, god can't bless what you ain't doing. He can't multiply what you haven't put forth. True, right, true, he can't. So the first instruction is you have to work the works.
Speaker 3:Now we should ask our audience, though, like what is well? What has God? What instructions has God given you guys? Yeah I need to think about what, what, what instruction has god given you for the new year or period going forward?
Speaker 2:yeah, and and it is important why? Because those instructions allows you to stay in alignment with him and do the works to see the manifestation.
Speaker 3:Yeah, he called you for a purpose and you need to walk that purpose out. You need to walk that purpose out.
Speaker 2:It was a comment that was just made. That's really really good, and there's the other side to that as well. The comment says that passengers have to reach to receive. That's good, right there, passengers have to reach to receive. You know one thing, though, about that too On the other side, passengers have to reach to receive, but, you know, the flight attendants also have to reach as well. The flight attendants also have to reach as well, because what they're reaching for is to get what the passengers have made a request for. Okay, so let me explain how that cycle works.
Speaker 2:God gives us things not just for us. He gives us things for other people. He gives us the gifts, he gives us the skills, he gives us the wisdom and the knowledge. We go through the things that we go through not just for us, but for others, so that when others go through guess what, now that person that's going through they're reaching to receive what it is they need to get through, whatever it is they're going through. And here you are, the flight attendant. Your hand is out as well, but you're on the giving end and not the receiving end, so with both, it requires a stretching.
Speaker 3:Yeah, giving and receiving.
Speaker 2:In the giving there's a stretching. In the receiving there's a stretching. So, whether you're giving or receiving, there's still a stretching. How many of y'all has God asked y'all to give a seed, that an amount that you've never? Okay, let's say a thousand dollars. The lord said you're gonna give a thousand dollars but all you got is 22 cent in the bank. That's a stretching. Because God want to know. Are you going to trust me? Because I'm, I'm, I. I'll be honest with you. Sometimes God will tell you to do something that just don't make no sense.
Speaker 3:Better provide it, that part right there, you want me to give it?
Speaker 2:Right, and that's that's my exact saying Lord you put in my hands, I will gladly give it, but right now, the way the checking and the savings is set up.
Speaker 3:How they say the math ain't mathing.
Speaker 2:Yeah, the math ain't mathing right now 22 cents, unless you say blink your eyes and refresh your account and it appears and it manifests just that fast. I mean, he did say he do things quick and in a hurry. I'm just saying, but God just wants to know will you still be committed regardless if it looks like you don't have what you need to complete what he's asking of you to do? So let's get back to that focus. What are we focusing on? Because that ties back into that focus. We're going to use an example with focus, Because here's the thing Within focus, we talked about instructions and we asked the question what instructions has God given you for 2025 or even now? Within those instructions, God is very detailed because he's a God of decency and order. Let me give you an example Abram and Sarah. Let me give you an example abram and sarah. God gave abram specific instructions. He told him you are going to be a father of many nations he told him you gonna give birth to a son, that that's promised.
Speaker 3:I don't want to say I talk about it. He told him what to do up in that tent with sarah, the specific instruction he was given noah was also an example, but but yeah, go ahead with Sarah.
Speaker 2:He was given specific instructions. Now here's the thing about that right? Yes, setting foundations for manifestation. Definitely Right, definitely setting foundations for manifestation. So here's the thing about this story, though you have one that's in compliance and being obedient, and then you have one that's being disobedient and not in compliance because it's taken too long and it's impossible. There's no way. In my old age, I'm about to give birth to a child. So you know what? Let me help God out. So my focus no longer is on the promise of what God said. Now my focus is on I need to hurry up and get this done so that I can receive what God said I'm supposed to receive after this happens. God said I'm supposed to receive after this happens.
Speaker 3:So I'm going to go ahead and get me a surrogate mother that's young, that I know can produce. That's why I said that faith without works things. You have to be careful with that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, because she did put in the works.
Speaker 3:She had faith, but it was her works. Yeah, that's why it didn't work Her works. She had faith, but, see her, it was her works. Yeah, that's that's why it didn't work, you know, that's why you got to be careful with that, because it was it was God's work that prevailed.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 3:So you know, even though, even though it produced a child, it still wasn't God's best for that situation right there.
Speaker 2:Exactly that was not. God's solution Correct.
Speaker 3:You got to be careful with that faith without works Right, because she did work.
Speaker 2:She did work. She did her thing now, but that wasn't God's work, that was the work of her own. And what did it cause her? It was envy, strife, jealousy and kick out the house. I mean chaos, confusion, put out the house, all types of stuff going on Because she just couldn't wait no more and because her faith was wavering. I mean she laughed when the angel told her Not the other woman to put out the house. Yeah, got the other woman. Yeah, got her. I mean poor Hagar, I mean yeah.
Speaker 2:But, so we have to also this for the focus. As he said in his word, if you keep your mind stayed on me, you will have that peace, that perfect peace that surpasses all understanding. What is perfect peace? Look like what is perfect peace. Perfect peace means that chaos commotion confusion. Yo yo yo checking account is in the red, in the negative, All your bank accounts in the negative, you face an eviction, and all this going on, but you're still walking around in peace in the storm.
Speaker 2:Yeah, absolutely, you're not moved by what's going on around you, right? You're still like i'ma praise you anyway, god, i'ma bless you anyway, god, I trust I'm going to trust you.
Speaker 2:God, yeah, I'm going to trust you. And that part right there. Disobedience causes bridges, causes bridges to burn, and us, right, and us. So we have to ask ourselves, as God is giving us the instructions, are we staying focused on the instructions that he gave us? Are we staying focused on God or are we altering our eyesight to the things that are going on around us? And because it don't look like what God said the end is, let me tell you something about God. God said he knows the end from the beginning. He shows us the end because he shows us where we're headed to.
Speaker 2:So the steps that we're taking, we're understanding the building process. It's just like building a house. You see the end result of the house, of what you're expecting to look at and live in, before it even gets started to be built, and then when it is built, in the beginning it don't look like that house. When they put that little slab down, you'll be like why that looks small? It look like the house. You think we need to go bigger. No, we need to continue to go through the process. That's true.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that square footage look small when you looking at a slab.
Speaker 2:it make it look like that house is going to be real small Right.
Speaker 3:More kids, y'all.
Speaker 2:Yes, more children, More children. So we have to trust the process. We have to trust the process and we have to trust the instructions that he's given us.
Speaker 3:And be obedient to it.
Speaker 2:Listen, deuteronomy 28, tell you all about it. It tell you what happened when you obedient. It also tell you what happened when you disobedient.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, and in that focus, you have to remain patient. Yes, you have to remain patient, and in this case, patience is not putting up with something over time, is not putting up with something over time. Patience in the case where God is being constantly, consistently the same Stay in the path, stay in the course, don't deviate. If you've been given instructions, pay attention to those instructions, don't deviate. How do they say in the Old Testament To the left, no to the right.
Speaker 2:Yes, don't look to the left, no to the right, yeah.
Speaker 3:You stay focused on the task that God has given you. Pay attention to your Holy Spirit. Pay attention to that Spirit that tells you, that leads and guides you in all wisdom and all truths, because it does work, it does help, it does Read your Bible. People Read your.
Speaker 2:Bible. That's good, because an example of that is Naaman with the leprosy, right In John 5, when he was given instructions, he had expectancy. Don't get me wrong. We can have expectation, but sometimes our expectation could be totally off and wrong, because we saw it happen one way for somebody else, we expecting it to happen the same way for us. So we got to be careful with our expectations as well. Is our expectations based on what we saw in somebody else's life or is our expectations based on alignment with exactly where God has taken us? So naming but not being- steadfast, marie, yeah, go ahead, I'm sorry, definitely being steadfast.
Speaker 2:So an example naming he was expecting the man of God to come on out and just heal him instantly. No, the man of God sent and was like hey, tell him to go down there to that Jordan room. Dip himself seven times and he'll be healed, his skin will be clean. And I'm paraphrasing a little bit, speeding the story up a little bit.
Speaker 2:Namus said what the nerve. He thought highly of himself, by the way. He thought more highly of himself First of all. You're supposed to come to the door and greet me. How dare you send somebody to give me instructions? What you mean to tell me? I got to work for this healing. I gotta do stuff in order to get this healing. That's what he thought so.
Speaker 2:Then somebody came along and was like hey, you might want to listen, I get, you saw the healings happen instantly and everything like that. But yours is a little different. You, you might want to take heed and you want to be healed, right, so follow the instructions. So Naaman did. He went, he was obedient, he followed the instructions and immediately his skin was restored. His skin was restored. So there's times that God gives us instructions that do not make no sense whatsoever. That is like the nastiest. Sometimes it may put us in the messiest situations, messiest situations that don't make not near kind of sense.
Speaker 3:I know a lot of us can attest to that that God puts us through things where the outcome is where the outcome is what we expect. But the process to go, to go through to get to that is something that we're like. I didn't see that coming.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 3:But you know yet, manifestation did come, but just in a different way.
Speaker 2:In a different way.
Speaker 3:And in God's time.
Speaker 2:Exactly. And the thing about it is, we also have to understand what was Susie's process. Yes, our situations may be very well similar, but the coat that Susie had to wear doesn't mean that it don't fit me, so my process is not going to be the same. The situation might be, but the process may not be. There may be some similarities, might be, but, see, the process that God takes us through is according to where we are and how he developed and created us. Each one of us, as Marie said, we are uniquely designed as God's masterpiece. Each of us are original. So that means each one of our processes are original. They're uniquely designed just for us, right? So the process may not be the same, it may be similar, but it's not going to be the same, right? Same situation, different process. Yes, that's a perfect example David and Saul's armor.
Speaker 2:David couldn't fit Saul's armor. David was swallowed and weighed down. David was like you know what? No, take this off. I'm not about to do this. I'm going to use what God gave me. Oh, that a preach by itself. I'm going to use what God gave me. Use what God gave me, right? How many of us are still looking outside of what God already gave us because we feel like we're missing something or we need something else and don't trust what he gave us. Have you?
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I'm going to tell y'all a funny story. My husband it was one day because I used to always get upset Cause you know he's happily retired and everything like that, and you know I was still working this before I joined the retiring world and I used to get upset and I used to pray God, make him do something Like it's not fair. I got to get up early in the morning, he just lounging in the bed and not doing it. We got to fix this. Jesus, you said that we are one, meaning that because we are one, we supposed to be doing the same stuff. I get up, he get up, we get up together. Unity, unison.
Speaker 3:I'll let this one teach it to you Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead. I'll let that lesson teach you.
Speaker 2:So it was one morning. He was actually up before me and I'm here and I said what is he doing? He over there in the corner playing with paper. Why, lord? I know I told you to give him something to do, but why is this man crumpling paper in a plastic bowl? It made him look crazy.
Speaker 3:Oh, keep going. You think that made me look crazy?
Speaker 2:It made him look crazy.
Speaker 3:Good, keep going.
Speaker 2:And I said babe, what are you doing? Are you bored? Right now? You look like a kindergartner playing with paper in a plastic bowl. Babe, can we do something else? He said, no, I have to do this. And I mean, there's more to that story, but I I just I shared that snippet because God will give you instructions that will make you look crazy.
Speaker 3:Right.
Speaker 2:That don't make no sense. But you know what Corinthians 5 and 13 says that if, if they call it and I'm paraphrasing it if they call you crazy, if they think you crazy, that's a good thing because it's for the glory of God. But if they be like, oh, you know, you ain't crazy, you all right, come on, chill with us. Whatever the case may be, that's for them, right? You and your right mind, that's for them, right?
Speaker 3:So there was a manifestation behind that story that she didn't finish. But I mean but, and it was good. God sent me on a mission that made me look totally crazy. At least I thought so yeah. I thought so too.
Speaker 3:I approached a company with that paper and that bowl, looking like, thinking that I looked like I was expecting to be told get out of here, take your plastic kitchen bowl loose leaf paper, get out of here. Take your plastic kitchen bowl loose leaf paper and get out of here. But God sent me to a gentleman that saw the vision, saw the same vision that I did in that bowl and that paper. And today we are in business.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, yeah in business, yeah. So listen, y'all. Look out for surf craft paper containers and paper bowls as well, and they are safe and friendly for the earth. They're biodegradable. So, that is more to come Y'all look at that. Listen, we'll talk more about that story.
Speaker 3:Your husbands are doing something crazy in the corner.
Speaker 2:Let them flow, let them ride. Okay, just just just leave them alone, because I had to do it. So that goes to our next thing. Right, we dealt with focus, we dealt with manifestation. We're going to go into balance.
Speaker 3:Yes.
Speaker 2:Balance is the next thing. Right, because, as you, all of these tie into each other Right Now, most will be like why did we start with manifestation? Because it seems like we're going backwards, right.
Speaker 3:Right, because, like God, right From the end, like we're going backwards, right, right, because from the end, right the end.
Speaker 2:All right, you got it, we're here. See. This is why we got seven years and more to come, y'all but balance, and within balance, you have to have balance. Without balance, can you imagine building a house and you got one side of the house with five-foot piece of wood and then the other side of the house got a three-foot piece of wood? Everything will be rolling, slanted, nothing will be steady, oh Jesus. Nothing will be steady. Nothing will stay in place. Why? Because there's an off balance. Think about it when your body is off balance, what happens when there's something in your body that's off balance, whether it's something going on mentally, whether it's something going on physically or something going on spiritually.
Speaker 2:What happens? So it causes you to stumble. You can barely walk. A lot of times you can't really do much because you'll fall, you might faint, you may pass out. There's a lot of things that comes with that Right. So think about it. God wants us to be balanced. This is why he said I give you things in part. I'm not going to sit up here and give you everything, because you'll be all. You'll be so weighted down and so off balance, because you won't know where to start.
Speaker 3:What was she talking about? Too much to carry, and then yeah, perfect example.
Speaker 2:you're sitting up there. Can you imagine, listen? When I was a single mother, I had all these groceries in my hands and had the house key and the car key. I'm trying to lock the car and I get to the door and I'm trying to open the door but my key can't get into the key knob because I'm trying to juggle all these things. I don't want to drop the bag of eggs because after that I have to go get some more. Don't want to drop the milk because that's going to burst. I got glass in these bags, so I'm trying to juggle all of these things while opening the door. My God, so I'm all over the place. How many of you have tried juggling so much because you felt like you had to? And you juggled this so much to the point where God gave you the key but you couldn't even use it because you was too busy fumbling with the things that you thought you had to fumble with?
Speaker 3:Yeah, Go ahead In this life. There is, there's a need for balance that we all have to. We have to achieve car, house, family finances, everything. So balance is definitely not anything foreign.
Speaker 2:Right, so continue. Yeah, it definitely isn't. I mean, we have to bring forth a balance.
Speaker 3:And that's something to not that you're not achieving it, but that's something for people to look to make sure that they are achieving in 2025 or to work towards If you're not work towards it.
Speaker 2:So then, let me ask you this what are some ways that people can work towards gaining balance in their life?
Speaker 3:without being too spiritual.
Speaker 2:No, go ahead. You know, I love when you speak spiritual.
Speaker 3:I mean I pray for, for the knowledge and wisdom on how to do so, and usually that works for me. You know I pray for it.
Speaker 2:To be honest with you, that's a concrete answer, because what did he say in his word? He said we don't know what we ought to pray, right, but the Holy Spirit comes in.
Speaker 3:I pray for it and always look to be led and guided by your spirit, by the Holy Spirit and I'm not even going to say nine out of 10 times, 10, 10 out of 10 times he has led me in the right direction. So get that relationship with your spirit. You have to get that relationship, that relationship with Jesus. Get that relationship.
Speaker 2:Well, you know my favorite place. You know what I always say to school I always love to enroll in what's the university, God University Listen.
Speaker 3:God University is the best university anyone can enroll in and she takes time to go and commune with her spirit. It may be someplace she drives to and sits and writes and downloads. I mean, if you do have the opportunity to do that, that's something to do as well.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, having that time is very important and it is how you bring forth balance. Because, honestly speaking, again, his answer was very concrete. Because it's very well true, we ourselves don't know how to bring forth balance. We live in a world that is off balance. We live in a world that is off balance, that that that's fast paced, that is constantly moving, 24 hours, 24 hours, seven days of the week. It is always in motion.
Speaker 2:So it is it's hard to comply with balance when you have so much, especially when you're one that you're in the marketplace, you're in corporate America, then you're in ministry, and then you still have a household. If you have a husband, you have your husband, then if you have children, you have your children, and then, if you have a ministry, you have ministry. How does one juggle all of those things, how does one balance those things without losing their minds? And, honestly speaking, the perfect example of balance also, too, is when Jesus create, when God created everything blessings, karma and welcome. When God created everything, if you go back in Genesis, he paced himself. That's another key thing Pace yourself. Don't feel like you have to do everything all at once and it has to be done. It must be done. If it's not done, I'm in trouble. Not at all.
Speaker 2:God took his time. He wrote out, he had the bigger picture. Listen, I'm giving y'all a nugget. He had the bigger picture. He knew what the end was going to be. And what he did was he took that bigger picture and broke it down into smaller steps, smaller goals, smaller things to do so that he wouldn't wear himself and not that guy would ever wear himself out. I mean, he's all knowing, all powerful and he, he operates 24 7. However, just speaking from a human perspective, he did not want to wear himself out. So day one he did a few things. He didn't try to do 20 things in one day.
Speaker 2:Right, what has God shown you? What is your end? What has God shown you so far as in? That, he said, was a promise or that should be manifested. That's going to be manifested for you. This is how you put the works forth and this is how you align and consult with God. Listen, I threw away my to-do list, mind you. I said my to-do list and I've learned to give my day to God every day, because I find my days run so much more smoothly and I feel so much more productive than me sitting here trying to figure out based on everything that I got to do. It's frustrating. I get a headache and nothing gets done. I have all these open things and nothing is finished. Right, so that's balanced.
Speaker 3:No, go ahead no, I was gonna say on to our next point.
Speaker 2:Yeah, from consistency in that see you, you'll see how we're building the house upside down. Well, no, not really not really upside down yeah we're working on it.
Speaker 3:You have to be consistent in the instructions that God has given you. You have to be consistent with it. I've heard this from other pastors previously, but consistency is the key to the breakthrough and you have to be consistent to see it. Um, that's uh. What was the example of that drop of water hitting that stone. Over time it will break it just because of the consistence. Consistently hitting that that spot on that stone will affect that stone over time with a drop of water.
Speaker 2:So Wow, that right there is powerful with that consistency. Consistency definitely is key, because when you are consistent, this is how you see results. If you become inconsistent, then you, you will. You won't see results if you're not consistent in the thing. That's a part of breaking down those steps, right. You have to be. It brings you forth in consistency and it keeps you in order, organized.
Speaker 3:Right.
Speaker 2:And in a posture of being organized yeah. It keeps you organized and it keeps it keeps you on top of things, right, and it also keeps you in the spirit of excellence, right. So, really quickly, before we get to our last thought, which is, which is the closing out thought of instructions, we're going to go through all five instruction words and before we close out, but I want to go through the comments We've been getting a lot of comments.
Speaker 2:I don't want the people to think that we're not going through the comments. I've been coming so far I can't see. I was wondering where your glasses were. Wait a minute. Now we share that. Okay, so we have true water. True Water is powerful, is powerful. Yes, it is. Listen, wait a minute. Ain't the holy spirit water? Amen yeah, ain't he powerful?
Speaker 2:yes, okay, that's a whole nother revelation by itself every day, then we have yes with the praise hands. We have blessings to you, man and woman of God, not leveled, unbalanced, yes, awesome. Look, they already ready for the next episode.
Speaker 3:Hey, bold commercial, marie. You know I'm going to get at you for that, whatever you're talking about you're going to have to explain that.
Speaker 2:Yes, definitely, definitely. We got to laugh at you about your bowls. David's weapon of choice was foolish to others. Yes, yes, it was Because, think about it. We're going to go back to these instructions. You mentioned Noah.
Speaker 3:Yeah, you mentioned Noah. I mean, if you think about those days, my thought was, who was hearing from God back then? Who was hearing like him? Because the instructions to build that ark had to be precise. They were Nobody. As far as I know, nobody had ever built a boat or a structure that would float on water or a structure that would float on water. So those divine instructions, those precise instructions, the time it took for him to build that, yeah, made him look crazy. Right, it did what you building that for? What a waste of time. And then when the water came, that powerful water, everybody's like wait a minute, let me in, let me get in there, wait a minute. Where y'all going. So that was just a powerful story about hearing from God and hearing precise instruction.
Speaker 2:Oh, yeah, definitely. And the thing about it is because he was the head of his family, of course, his family followed suit. Yeah, they follow, yeah, they follow so that family was blessed.
Speaker 3:They were blessed, everybody on that ark, all those animals were blessed, because not everybody was hearing from god then and then then I mean, let's face it.
Speaker 2:Well, his words say that he uses the foolish things to confound the wise. So I mean they are going to be some instructions Once again that God is going to give you. That's going to have you looking foolish. Trust me, I have my stories. Okay, it didn't fit. Yeah, we talked about Noah's I mean not Noah David's armor. The process for each is different. It is tailored for our uniqueness.
Speaker 2:Yes amen, my God. He said he has plans for us. Why not trust him? He said that they are good plans for our future, to give us hope. Amen. Jeremiah 29 and 11. For the vision is yet for the appointed future time. It hurries toward the goal of fulfillment. It will not fail, even though it delays. Wait patiently for it because it will certainly come. It will not delay.
Speaker 3:Patience. That's going to be the last one.
Speaker 2:Yes, thank you, woman of God, vanessa Brown, because you opened the door for us because that was the last instruction, that's right.
Speaker 3:Patience, Because after that consistency you have to be patient. You have to be patient and once again it's not put up with. Oh, I can't wait. It's being constantly consistently the same. Stay the course, god's timing. If you believe in God's timing, you'll be fine and you'll see. He'll give you manifestation along the way to know that you're on the right course. He will, he will.
Speaker 2:He definitely will. Because the thing about consistency is a lot of times in, what causes us to stray away from consistency and kind of decrease from it and not want to do it anymore is when we do not see results. It's when we do not see results and when it does not look like what God showed us. It causes us to feel discouraged. It causes us to feel like is this a waste of my time? Or sometimes we will even question our hearing. Did I really hear from God? Did I really hear that correctly?
Speaker 2:Maybe I need to take need to go back and question again or get some more information or details, go back and question again or get some more information or details. So, with that consistency and then you have, with patience, you have to wait while you're remaining consistent Because, just like Sarah, because she was not patient, she caused the time to extend for one and caused a whole bunch of ruckus, confusion, commotion. That was unnecessary, but at the same time, it was necessary, I believe, because there's a purpose in everything that happens. Even when we make a mess of things, there's still a purpose in the mess that we made, because God allowed it Right.
Speaker 2:So everything that happens is because God allowed, he permitted it Right. God allowed, he permitted it right. So, with patience, as the man of God stated, we're not talking about tolerating things, because even in our patience we do still have to have boundaries. We do still have to have boundaries. It is not in an essence of tolerance or serenity, but endurance, persistence. Let me tell you this man right here, if nobody else know about patience, he's showing up too, that endurance. He had to endure my abuse.
Speaker 3:More than y'all know. More than y'all know.
Speaker 2:He had to endure my abuse. I wasn't necessarily physically abusive, but I'm okay. Every once in a while I did throw some hands, but you know, I I refrain myself so often, um, but I I was relaying a message, I wanted him to leave me alone. But neither here nor there God's plans prevails right Persistence. But although he had to deal with that from me, he was very persistent. He remained. His actions towards me were consistent, his love towards me was consistent and he was very persistent. He wasn't going nowhere, it was pure.
Speaker 1:It was.
Speaker 3:Because it wasn't about me. It was about you and what your needs may have been at the time. It wasn't about me. That's what allowed me to be persistent. It's like, okay, she can't see it, but that don't mean that I'm going to stop.
Speaker 2:Amen, amen, that's, that's, that's, uh, that's a good thing and I and I thank God for that, I definitely do. And here we are, seven years. You know it was something about that seven name and had to dip seven times Seven. I'm a numbers person. Seven is the number of spiritual perfection is also the number of completion, so I'm ecstatic that even my husband and I we've made it to seven years. Completion Meaning that for me, this is this is one of the revelations that came to me was that the things that were not finished within our marriage are going to be finished. That's a part of our manifestation in 2025.
Speaker 2:So the places God said that we were going and the things that we were going to be involved in. It's a finished work and it's going in and it's it's. He already said it's, it is finished. It's a finished work. He already said it is finished, it is done, it's completed. He started a good work in us and he shall complete it, just really quickly going over.
Speaker 3:Who's the he you was referring to?
Speaker 2:Yeah, he sure was. He was pressing towards that mark, all right.
Speaker 3:Thank you, Mackie. Thank you, cassandra, yeah.
Speaker 2:He sure was pressing towards that mark, you ain't lying, he was.
Speaker 3:Oh you.
Speaker 2:Okay, but yes, the scripture does say that. It says to you know, stay on in that race, run the race and continue to press on towards the mark of the high calling. So we have to keep our eyes stayed on him. And with keeping our eyes, that means it's a straight and narrow path. Yes, a straight and narrow path, meaning that this path is just you and God. A lot of times we try to bring others in on the path with us because we don't want to go down this path alone, but the path was designed strictly for you and you have to realize that you're not alone, because God said I will never leave you nor forsake you. So run, run that race and endure like a good soldier, be patient and be patient because in your patience and consistent and consistent. So we're going to go over this. The five and five is the number of grace as we sit and dwell and rest in God's grace heading towards 2025.
Speaker 2:The first one is manifestation and, as you guys are getting these words, I want you guys to go before the Lord with these words and get your instructions according to the word instruction. Let me say that one more time because I know it sounded a bit confusing as you guys hear these words. Take the word. So the word manifestation, that's the first word. Take that word and say okay, god, what is my instructions pertaining manifestation? Because God going to take you straight to his word. So the first word is manifestation. The second word is focus. You're going to do the same thing with focus. The third word is balance. You're going to do the same with balance. The fourth word is consistency. You're going to do the same thing for consistency. And your final word is patience, and you'll do that very same thing with patience.
Speaker 3:It is established through knowledge.
Speaker 2:Its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures. Yes, beautiful treasures. The light had a little glare, yeah, it was blacking that out, but listen, y'all hold true to that. We love y'all. We thank y'all so much for joining in. This is exciting. We are going to continue having our countdown of days. Sunday is actually the official day of our anniversary, december 22nd.
Speaker 3:We thank y'all for all the wishes and the prayers and the blessings. We thank you.
Speaker 2:Yes, and we thank y'all for your support as well, those that have been responding and replying to our posts of countdown. We want to say thank you. We appreciate the well wishes. We appreciate the congratulations as well. We know we haven't really responded to everyone, but we said we were going to respond to everyone during this live. So we say thank you and listen, y'all, go ahead and share out, because there are some very exciting things that are taking place. Walk it Out Inspirations podcast has shifted. God has had us to rebuild it. Listen. We even got a new anthem song. Y'all, I am excited. God connected us with the man of God that wrote our theme song for Walk it Out Inspirations podcast. So we are super excited about that.
Speaker 2:And in the new year, y'all know I'm a writer and so in the new year, the Lord has put a mandate. I've done a lot of writing. Now God wants me to do a lot of reading, so I'm going to be doing a little bit of both. I'll still be writing, but now I'm going in the avenue of my husband, because he loves, loves, loves, loves to read. So we will be doing a lot of reading. So, if you are an author, the some of the subjects that we will be reading about. Um, we'll be reading about a lot of uh books that deal with relationships, marriage, um things of that nature, uh, spiritual growth, um personal development, um finances ministry. So it's a collaborative leadership. It's a collaboration of all of the above.
Speaker 2:So, if you are an author that has already, or even if you're an aspiring author that is looking to publish your book or looking for assistance with publishing your book, hello, I am a publisher as well. My company is Living Waters Global Publishing and I will be more than glad to assist you. But those that are already authors, if you would like your book to be one of the books that are featured within our podcast, you can send us an email to publishing at empowermellccom. In the end, I am going to put this in the comments on Facebook and I will pin this information as well. So, if you are interested and you would like your book to be featured in Walk it Out Inspirations podcast discussions of books, because we will be discussing, every other month, kingdom Marriage and its Purpose, every other month we'll be selecting a new book Walk it Out Inspirations Revelation Moments. We'll be reading a book every month, so every month will be a new book. So in between those times, whichever category you fit in, we'll put your book in there.
Speaker 2:So, if you are interested, once again, you can send us an email of interest, or you can even send us a message on Messenger. You can say thank you so much, vanessa. Or you can send a message on Messenger to either myself, alicia Brown, or you can send a message to Joee brown as well. He's on facebook as well. Y'all go ahead and uh, adam, as friend, follow him. You can follow me as well, so that we can provide you additional information for that. But listen, we love y'all. We're getting ready to go decorate a christmas tree with our children, yes, and have some fun and begin to enjoy this break with them. We love y'all.
Speaker 3:Thank you, father, for this time. Thank you, heavenly Father, for this time. Thank you for this fellowship. Thank you for the word that has gotten out, your word, your instructions. We look to bless everybody in 2025. We'll speak to y'all soon. We love y'all. Take care, look to bless everybody in 2025.
Speaker 2:We'll speak to y'all soon. We love y'all.
Speaker 3:Take care, take care. Time to put some action to the birds that you're talking.
Speaker 1:Walk it out, no time for the games Because we don't see a better.
Speaker 3:It's barely been a change, so all my saints down in VA, walk it out NY, walk it out PA, walk it out North Carolina, walk it out ACM Walk it out Maryland, walk it out Everybody walk it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's what If you were sold?
Speaker 3:you're locked in Time to put some action to the words that you're talking Won't fit a hat. No time for the game.