Walk It Out Inspirations
Walk It Out inspirations explores physical steps to achieve and overcome challenges or take action to move forward despite obstacles or setbacks with the goal of motivating, empowering, and inspiring listeners to take steps toward their personal growth and success through practical tips, strategies, time management, and other skills. Episodes feature interviews with individuals from a variety of backgrounds that share stories of triumph and truth that offer diverse ranges of perspectives and ideas.
Walk It Out Inspirations
From Controlling to Yielding: A Journey of Divine Obedience and Transformation
The second part of our journey will take you to the edge of your seat as I recount my near-death experience, a pivotal moment that drastically altered my perspective on life. This brush with the Grim Reaper made me realize the true weight of my defiance and the necessity of obedience. I'll also share an intriguing acronym for 'yes', a testament to my decision to yield fully to God's will. This isn't just about adhering to rules; it's about drawing closer to Christ and participating in His redemptive work in the world. So, join me on this spiritual journey of self-discovery and awakening as we delve into the powerful nuances of obedience and the transformative potential it holds.
You are now tuning in to whisper word the lotion In 1st Samuel 1522. Samuel says Do you think all God wants are sacrifices, empty rituals just for show? He wants you to listen to him. Plain listening is the thing. Not staging a lavish religious production, not doing what God tells you is far worse than fooling around in the occult. Getting self-important around God is far worse than making deals with your dead ancestors. Because you said no to God's command, he says no to your kingship.
Speaker 1:God gave me an acronym for obey. That says to obey is to take the opportunity to beware and boldly examine yourself so that you may yield to the process of God's will. Obedience is better than sacrifice. You see, I answered the call but I didn't accept who was on the receiving end. In my mind, I say yes to his will, but I didn't say yes to the call, not realizing that the call was in his will. Answering the call was the first step.
Speaker 1:Although I answered the call, I had not yielded to the call. I was still wanting control and to do things my way. I had not accepted who. I was in God To be real with you. I didn't want to be held accountable for the responsibilities of the call, not realizing that my life was not my own.
Speaker 1:While trying to throw my life away, god kept giving me life. God kept talking to me, but I was unresponsive. I would pretend like I didn't hear him because I was uncomfortable doing what he was instructing me to do Sounds familiar. It was out of the manure. Can you imagine you calling somebody to talk to them? They answered the call, but they are not speaking. It's nothing but silence, as if they are not moved by what's being said, but yet not even interested. How would that make you feel? I'll tell you. For me, I would feel like I was speaking to a brick wall and my words were returning to me for a while. God says in his word that his word shall not return to him. Although God was speaking to me, his word was not put into full action through me. His word was emotion around me, but not yet in me. I had not yet yielded to his word. I was lukewarm, living slightly in obedience and slightly in disobedience. I obeyed when it was convenient for me.
Speaker 1:It wasn't until death took me with him that I realized the results of my defiance. Yet again, my defiance was exposed. I couldn't just do what I wanted to do and think I could get away with it. It didn't work that way for me Never did. Since I was a child, I would always get caught. It was like my dirt was never hidden. It was always exposed. In comparison to my brother, his stuff was so hidden not even a magnifying glass could find it. I always wondered why that was. Why couldn't I get away with murder? But he could?
Speaker 1:Proverbs 16 and 9 tells us the heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps. I had my very first encounter with God. I had to choose life or death. God whispered obey the call. When I was no longer in my body, I realized what was at stake. I had to make a decision that would change not only my life but also those that were connected to me. I chose life. This decision was the beginning of me yielding to the call and coming into alignment with God's will for my life. It was the beginning of me entering into a full yes.
Speaker 1:God gave me an acronym for yes. That says to say yes means to you, to the edification of God's spirit. When I looked up the word edify, it meant to instruct or improve. Biblically, it means to construct, build up or establish. It was now time for me to be edified with his spirit.
Speaker 1:There's nothing like the written word of God for showing you the way to salvation through faith and Christ Jesus. Every part of scripture is God breathed, in, useful in one way or another, showing us the truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God's way. Through the word, we are put together and shaped up for the task God has for us. God says do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity. Let love and faithfulness never leave you. Bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. To obey means to comply and carry out the instructions given. To obey the call means to comply and carry out God's initiative to bring people to Christ and to participate in his redemptive work in the world.